Sunday, February 8, 2009


"People often say that motivation doesn't last.
Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."
Zig Ziglar
I always wanted to have a website where i can inspire, help and provide support to those in need of advice. I'm not much of a writer but more of a counselor/adviser.
I dont promise to provide solutions but i'll try my best to comfort or guide you in times of emotional difficulties. Please feel free to ask for advice. It may be about love, family, career...anything. Other readers, feel free to post your comments and maybe we can learn from each other.



No particular prayers need be said . Every day for nine days, turn to St. Joseph in spirit four times during the day and honor him in the following four points. (These “visits” may be made anywhere—at home, at work, on the street, in the car or bus—and at any time.)

1. During the first visit, consider St. Joseph’s fidelity to grace. Reflect upon the action of the Holy Ghost in his soul. At the conclusion of this brief meditation, thank God for so honoring St. Joseph, and ask, through his intercession, for a similar grace.

2. Later in the day, consider St. Joseph’s fidelity to the interior life. Study his spirit of recollection. Think, thank God, and ask.

3. Later still, consider St. Joseph’s love for Our Lady. Think, thank God, and ask.

4. Finally, in a fourth visit, reflect upon St. Joseph’s love for the Divine Child. Think, thank God, and ask.